The Newport Daily Express from Newport, Vermont (2024)

a I TWO THE NEWPORT DAILY EXPRESS, NEWPORT. VERMONT. SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1959 The Newport Daily Express 9 Central Street, Newport, Vermont Published Every Afternoon Except Sundays and Holidays ESTABLISHED AS A WEEKLY IN 1863 AS A DAILY IN 1936 Second Class postage paid at Newport, Vermont SUBSCRIPTION RATE BY MAIL One month Six months 8.00 Three months $4.25 One year Cards of Thanks, $1.50. In Memoriams $1.50. Five cents a line extra for poetry.

Back issues of the Express after a week, 10 cents a copy at office and after two months 15 cents a copy. Telephone All Departments 707 republication of all the The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use well as all AP news dispatches. local news printed in this newspaper as MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS TO ADVERTISERS proofs of advertisem*nts to adverDaily Express cannot before publ cation, nor will The undertake to furnish it tisers whose copy is not in this office by noon of the day occurring in any advertisem*nts accepted held responsible for typographical errors When through error in this office wrong after noon of the day preceding immediately furnish the publication. in print The Daily Express will, upon request, appear the mistake but it will not be reprices advertiser with a letter stating through such an error. All adverit is responsible for aponsible for any loss the advertiser might sustain tisem*nts are accepted subject to this understanding.

BLACK AND BLUE LAWS Sunday Blue Laws are making them Attacks against our "Black and Blue Laws" than something that look more like divinely inspired for the benefit of mankind. was The U. S. court of appeals recently denied a petition for rehearing of a case in which a Federal Court ruled unconstituwhich prohibits Kosher meat markets from tional law and now a Seventh-Day Adventist doing business on Sunday leader declares that a day of worship cannot be established by either federal or state governments. The Rev.

Willis J. Hackett, the Atlantic Union Conference maintains that president of "The traditional stand of fellow Americans and of our founding let each choose which day he desires to fathers is to In the first instance a petition for a hearing was filed by Massachusetts Attorney General Edward J. McCormack. Jr. The judges had previously ruled that Bay State laws preventing Kosher Supermarket in Springfield from doing busithe Crown ness on Sunday were discriminatory.

claimed the law furnished a protection to the domiThey Christian sects without furnishing protection to Orthodox pant and Conservative Jews. We respect U. S. court decisions. However, there remains a question in mid-air in this case and wonder if minorities are being provided with more license we than ty.

We gather that Crown Kosher is being allowed to stay open because Sunday is not regarded as the Sabbath by its owners. This appears to be a valid claim providing the market is not days 2. week. Otherwise religion becomes a means open seven to an end- fatter wallet. An increasing number of cases coming before the public gaze in which Sunday Blue Laws are under attack point to an already unhealthy situation in America.

New Jersey, Vermont and Massachusetts have all been advertising their problems in this icue. And now that we have a religious leader declaring that every man should be allowed to choose his own day of worship, the issue appears more chaotic than ever. The most tranquil 24 hours of the week is the cause of considerable friction. What a pity that national serenity should be shattered with jarring noises from the gavel and the pulpit. The Fourth Commandment is one of the very first beneficial pieces of labor legislation that was ever given to man and was never intended to be a millstone about our 'Six days shalt thou labor" is the Blue Law that meets with very little opposition among working men in and out of organized labor.

However. the first portion of this same law says. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." and this is where man has raised a stumbling block. Were we to observe this portion of the law the second would be no problem. Business establishments would not open on a day when there was no business to be had and the courts would be free of Blue Law problems.

Those who preferred another day than Sunday as the Sabbath would buy and sell with those of like conviction only since the majority would be very busy keeping a divine law in the way it was intended. Life was never meant to be a complicated thing. We have inserted too many man-made moving parts. One of these is the movement away from proper observance of the Sabbath. WILL THE MAIL SERVICE BE IMPROVED? While the U.

S. Post Office Department officials are to be commended on their efforts to improve the service, there is a great question whether more efficiency is resulting from the higher costs. At present and for a great many years those people residing between Newport and Lowell have been able to get their morning and noon mail from Newport as well as their afternoon newspapers in the early afternoon. Now we are advised that beginning August 22 this stage route is to be changed. The stage will leave Newport at 8:45 a.

or as soon as possible after the mail arrives from the south. The stage will be due in Lowell at 10:15 a. with the usual distribution of the Star Route mail along the way. The trip will not return to Newport until 5 p. when it will leave Lowell and be due in Newport at 6 p.m.

This is supposed to be an improvement in the service along the route. It means, as we understand it, that all mail for Newport from Burlington and points west of Hyde Park will come to Newport via White River. Aud further, customers of the mail service between Newport and Lowell, who now get mail coming from the south at noon, will not get such mail until the following day. Morning and afternoon newspapers now being delivered via the Hyde Park stage will not be delivered until the following day. At present mail users between Newport and Lowell get their parcel post mail, which arrives in Newport at noon.

Such mail is forwarded on the present afternoon stage. Under the new arrangement parcel post mail for all of these points will be delayed until the following day. If this change is an improvement, we fail to see it. There are several hundred users of the mail to be affected and any complaints should be made at once through the Vermont senators and representative in Washington: Kozlov probably figures there was bad planning for his U. S.

-not even any advance arrangements for cheering masses. We've never been sure whether those bathing suits were Bikinis or Peekinis. "Excuse Me, I Have a Date With Your Girl" USSR POLAND LIL NIXON 1 Odds And Ends About New England By DICK SINNOTT BOSTON LAP) New England Vignettes: Our Canadian cousins had their first jazz festival la week at Totonto--and it was quite a difference from the annual Newport, event. Canadians came dressed as though to go to the opera dungarees. Bermuda or the attire that many appear to be going in for in the States.

There was a sprinkling of beards but all in all. Canadian lads were clean shaven and had oniv one thing on their minds Jazz The audience loved every beat and the artists. ranging from Stan Kenton to Sarah Vaughan, had to do repeated encores. The attendance didn't measure to Newport's. 'Toronto drew 16,000 spectators 111 four days, compared to 53.000 earlier this month in Rhode Island.

The difference in attendance figures 18 perhaps explained by lestival director George Wein who points out 'in Newport it's getting so that a lot of persons are coming to see the persons coming to see the festival some spectators arC a show in Newport. we believe, will agree. Next stop on the festival circuit is Boston. where Wein and the Sheraton Corp. will be hosts at' a three-day event beginning Aug.

21. Public relations officials of Air France in New York's Idlewild Airport still are red laced over 11 recent miscue. The PR boys no fied the press that Connecituct Gov. Abraham R.bicoff would be aboard a flight to Paris. The press obliged with newsmen and photographers CI hand 10 cover the departure.

But the passenger turned out to be A. Rubikof. 111 underwater explorer. Rubikof went to Paris. Ribicoff didn't At Denmark.

Maine, you can pick strawberries by appointment. That's the idea of Arthur C. Bucknell. owner ot a sprawling farin on which he devotes eight acres tO strawberry cultivation. Bucknell has set aside 21., acres for pickers who make appointments.

The char. 15 25 cents per quart picked. Another innovation. you can pick peas to vour heart's content for 75 cents a peck. Singer Anna Mar.a Alberghetti, appearing in "Rose Marie' at the Carousel Theatre 1:1 Framingham, also appeared before the Massachusetts Senate last week and de.

livered what may have been the shortest speech ever made on Bea- COIF Hill. As 40 senators and hundreds of onlookers settled back for a lengthy speech, Miss Alberghet11 arose and said: Thank you for having me here. and nOW I'll leave you to your budget. Her reference 10 the budget drew laughter and applause because the Legislature has been trying to arrive at a state budget tor many months. It happened in Manchester.

N.H. when man an wered his telephone and a woman asked him if he had his television set 011. He replied that he did. and the caller asked if anyone else was in the room. he replied.

"my wife Trie surveyor then asked. what are you listening 00? "My was the reply. If you're having the same type of difficulty with TV. perhaps a good book is in order. Stephen Birmingham.

author of Mr. Keefe" has written another book for Little. Brown Co. with Connecticut once again the setting. "Barbara Greer the new novel.

a taut. fast-moving story We hink you'll it enjoy. From Here And There About The State Rte. 111 Construction Job Underway Soon The state highway department said Friday a four- -mile road construction job will get underway soon on Verment Route 111 in Morgan. An apparent low bid of 363.20 was submitted on the project by the Caledonia Sand and Gravels $8100 of St.

lower than Johnsbury. the The secend low price. There were eight bidders in all on project. The Job will provide a four mile stretch of hard top road on the Island Pond- highway. Telephone Is Part of Coolidge Shrine NEA Service.

Inc. On a sultry night in August. 1923. Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as president of the United States at his family homestead in Plymouth. The home had neither electricity nor a telephone.

but in order: for the new president keep in touch with Washir 011 following the death of President Harding the phone company installed a special tele-: phone. Next Monday an identical phone to the one installed that night will be presented to the Vermont Historic Sites commission by the Telephone Pioneers of America. It will become part of the Coolidge shrine at Plymouth operated by the commission. Ray H. McLoud Of Northfield Retires From CV Ray H.

McLoud of Northfield has retired from the Central Vermont Railway service following 45 years of employment. He was general agent at Barre from 1945- 1957. He has served as agent at the Northfield depot from 1957 1959. Richard Concannon is the acting agent at the Northfield depot until the appointment of a permanent agent. Dust On Road Sets Up Screen, Cars Hit Head-On Heavy dust on a dirt road led to a head-on collision between two cars at Montgomery at 6:30 p.

m. Wednesday, state police report. Two persons were injured. Treated at the scene were Joyce Kittell. 29, of East Berkshire, who suffered a head cut.

and her husband. Fenwick T. Kittell. 32. Mrs.

Kittell was taken to Krebs Memorial hospital. State police reported the Kittell car was in a head-on crash with an auto operated by Philip Chaplin 24, of Enos- Religion In The News By TOM HENSHAW -a pre-chapel stage currently AP Religion Writer They call themselves the Southern Baptist Convention. But the tag is rapidly becoming a misnomer. Quietly but surely, the Southern Baptists are pushing their denominational frontier northward with such success that they can no longer be considered strictly a regional church. But don't say "We're competing with the other churches," says the Rev.

Elmer Sizemore, assistant pastor of New York's Manhattan Baptist Church, "We're sort of coworkers with them." The Manhattan Baptist Church is a prime example of Southern Baptist expansion. It was founded two years ago as a mission with 40 members. Six months later it became a fullfledged church. Now it has more than 400 members and is still growing. The New York church is the mother organization for a number of fledgling missionary chapels sprouting up in the northeast.

One is in Hempstead, L. the Southern Baptist's farthest penetration to the north. A missionary chapel also is in the making in Middletown, where home fellowship meetings the Seymour Lake Home De m- onstration club will be at the Morgan Community House Wednesday, Aug. 5. A sale of food, candy, vegetables, aprons and other articles will start at 2 p.

m. A dance will be held in the evening, beginning at 9 o'clock. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cobb on Thursday were, Mr and Mrs.

Arland Griffin of Barton. their son, Wayne Griffin. Mrs. Griffin and family of Schenectady, N. another sister.

Mrs. Hazel Wilson, of West Charleston. Mr. and Mrs. Telesphore Guillette are on a trip to Florida where they will visit their daughter.

Bella. and family. James Thompson of West Townsend. is spending a few days in town 8 ad is a guest at Alpine Inn. Visitors in the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Roland Gonyaw this week included. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gony a and family, and Mr.

and Mrs. Eddie Bly and family of East Charleston. Her brother. Joel Bly, of Westfield. is two weeks in the respending.

relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Gonvaw and family of Barton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

Mahlon Gonvaw. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gonvaw of East Charleston. Mrs.

Gordon Welch and children of Island Pond were visitors one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Cass and family were in Fitch Bay. last Sunday to visit her sister.

Mrs. Lyle Wilson. Mr. Wilson, and son. Conrad.

Miss Catherine Wilcox of Barton and Bellows Fals was a weekend visitor of her brother and sister. Carroll and Clara Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. Rev Gonyaw of Wells were Sunday guests of his and aunt, Mr.

and FANCIe Mrs. Mitchell Gonyaw. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw entertained 20 relatives from Eden and the Hardwick area.

last Sunday for the annual picnic at their home. During the afternoon, members of the party enjoyed water skiing on Lake Seymour. The United States Board of Geographic Names is changthe name of 7.600-foot Knife Peak in Alaska to Mt. Criggs. in honor of Dr.

Robert F. Griggs, who led six National Geographic Society expeditions to Alaska four decades ago. DEATH NOTICES BARLOW- Chester Ray. of Coventrv. 111 Newport.

Saturday. Aug. 1. at age 63. Friends may call at his late home in Coventry this evening and Sunday afternoon and evening.

Funeral services will be held from the Coventry church Monday at 2 p. m. with William England, student pastor, officiating. Interment in the family lot. Coventry cemetery.

Converse Funeral Service in charge. DIETTE- -Oliver 70 vears. 8 21 days, at his home in Troy, A 110 following a long illness. beloved husband of Emily Sheltra Diette. Friends may call at his late residence in Troy Saturday and Sundav.

Funeral services will be held from Sacred Heart church. Monday at 10 a. when a solemn High Mass of Requiem will be celebrated. Interment will follow in the family lot at St. Ignatius cemetery.

Lowell. Arrangements by Rushford. Estates of ARTHUR C. TITUS and EVA K. JONES STATE OF VERMONT DISTRICT OF ORLEANS.

ss. The Honorable Probate Court for the District Aforesaid: To the heirs and all persons interested the estates of Eva K. Jones and Arthur Titus, late of City of Newport, in said District. deceased. WHEREAS, a petition has been filed by the City of Newport that Eva K.

Jones died seized of personal property and leaving no heirs nor persons entitled to the same and praying that hearing be had on said petition. after proper notice, and tnat said estate be decreed the City of Newport for school purposes 1n accordance with the Provisions of the Statutes of said State. And. whereas. a petition has been filed by the City of Newport representing that Arthur C.

Titus died seized and possessed of personal property, leaving no widow nor heirs entitled to the same and praying that a hearing be had on said petition, after proper notice and that said estate be decreed to the City of Newport for school purposes in accordance with the Provisions of the Statutes. Whereupon the said Court appointed and assigned the third day of February, 1960 at the Probate Office in Newport in said District to hear and decide upon said petition and ordered that public notice, thereof be given to all persons interested therein by publishing this order together with the time and place appearing six weeks successively in The Newport Daily Express, a newspaper which circulates in the neighborhood of said persons interested in said estate, all which publications shall be previous to the day assigned for hearing. Therefore, you are hereby notified to appear before said Court at the time and place aforesaid then and there in said Court to make your objection for granting of prayer of said petition and to establish your right AS heirs and lawful claimants to said estates. Given Under My Hand and Seal at City of Newport, this 24th day of June. 1959.

MARJORIE WILLIAMSON, J27-J4-11-18-25-A1 Judge PRE ROCK HOWARD A. REED OF AGES PLANT and DISPLAY Union St. Tel. 88-W Newport, Vt. Commissioners' Notice Estate of ANNA ANDERSON The Undersigned, having been appointed by the Honorable Probate Court for the District of Orleans, COMMISSIONERS, to receive, examine, and adjust the claims and demands of all persons against the estate of Anna Anderson late of Barton, in said District, deceased, and all claims chibited in offset thereto hereby give notice that we will meet for the purpose aforesaid at the Barton Town Clerk's Ofton in said District, on the 17th day of tice, Barton Village, in the Town of Bara August and 28th day of December next, from 11 o'clock a.

until 1 o'clock p. on each of said days and that six months from the 29th day of June, 1959, is 1 he time limited by said Court for said creditors to present claims to us for examination and allowance. Dated at Barton this 22nd day of July, 1959. ROSS WRIGHT, GERALD ANNIS, A1-8-15 Commissioners Estate of JOSEPH M. MONTMINY STALE OF VERMONT D.s.

rict of Orleans, ss. the Honorable Probate Court for the Districe Atoresaid: 10 the heirs and all interested in the estate of Joseph Montminy late persons, of Glover, in said District, deceased, GREETING: WHEREAS, application has been made to tn.S Court in writing, by the Administrator praying for license and authority to sell ail of real estate of said deceased, for the payment of debts and charges of administration, setting forth the rein the amount of debts due from said deceased, tie charges of administration, and the amount of personal estate and the situalion of the real estate. WHEREUPON. the said Court appointed and assigned the 31st day of August, 1959, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the Probate Office in City of Newport, in said D.strict. to hear and decide upon said application and petition, and ordered public thereof to be given to all persons interested therein, by publishing said order, together with the time and place of nearing.

turee weeks successively in the Newport Daily Express, a newspaper which circulates in the neighborhood of those persons interested in said estate, all which publications shall be previous to the assigned for hearing. THEREFORE. you are hereby notified to appear before said Court, at the time and place assigned, then and there in said Court to make your objections to the granting of such license, if you see cause. G. Ven Under My Hand, at City of New port.

in said District, this 28th day of 19.9 MARJORIE WILLIAMSON, A1-8-15 Judge Estate of CLARENCE D. McGUIRE STATE OF VERMONT District of Orleans, The Honorable Probate Court for the District Aforesaid: To all persons interested in the estate of Clarence D. McGuire, late of Albany in Said District, deceased, GREETING: At a Probate Court, held at City of Newport, within and for said District, on the 9th day of July, 1959, an instrument urporting to be the last Will and Testament of Clarence D. McGuire late of Albany. in said District, deceased, was prerented to the Court aforesaid, for Probate.

And it is ordered by said Court that the 4th day of August, 1959 at the Probate Office in said City of Newport, at 10 in the forenoon, be assigned for proving said instrument; and that notice thereof be given to all persons concerned, by publishing this order three weeks sucessively in the Newport Daily Express, a newspaper circulating in that vicinity, 1:1 said District, previous to the time apjointed. THEREFORE. you are hereby notified to appear before said Court, at the time and place aforesaid, and contest the probate of said Will. if you have cause. Given Under My Hand at City of Newport.

in said District, this 9th day of July, 1959. MARJORIE WILLIAMSON, J18-25-A1 Judge LOST Savings Bank Book No. 4532 on The National Bank of Derby Line, of Derby Line. Vermont, in the name of Mrs. Ida Merton or John W.

Merton. J25-A1-8 Estate of GLENN F. ANDERSON The Undersigned having been appointed by the Honorable Probate Court for the District of Orleans, COMMISSIONERS, to receive, examine, and adjust the claims and demands of all persons against the estate of Glenn F. Anderson late of Glover, in -aid District. deceased, and all claims exhibited in offset thereof hereby give notice that we will meet for the purpose aforesaid at the Dale Walcott Store in the Town of Glover, in said District on the 12th day of August, and 28th day of December next, from 2 o'clock p.

until o'clock p. on each of said days and that six months from the 1st day of July, 1959. is the time limited by said Court for raid creditors to present their claims to us for examination and allowance. Dated at Glover, this 18th day of July, 1959. DALE B.

WALCOTT, ARMOUR J. SMITH, 1-8 Commissioners Estate of MARION MITCHELL STATE OF VERMONT District of Orleans, ss. The Honorable Probate Court for the District Aforesaid: Te all persons interested in the estate of Marion Mitchell late of Stamford, in the State of Connecticut, deceased, leaving Estate in this District, GREETING: At a Probate Court held at City of Newport. within and for said District on the 17th day of July, 1959, an authenticated copy of the last Will and Testament and the Probate thereof of Marion Mitchell late of Stamford, in the County of Fairfield, in the State of Connecticut, deceased, leaving estate in said district, duly proved. allowed and established in the Probate Court for the County and State aforesaid, was presented to the Court here, that the same instrument may be allowed in this State as the last Will and Testament of the said decedent, and that the said copy may be filed and recorded in the Probate Court for the District of Orleans, aforesaid, agreeable to the statute in such cases made and provided.

And it is ordered by said Court that the 10th day of August, 1959, at the Probate Court office in said City of Newport, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for all persons interested to appear and contest the allowance of such instrument, and the filing and recording of the copy of said Will, and the probate thereof, as aforesaid, if they see cause: and that notice thereof be given by publishing this order three weeks successively in the Newport Daily Express, a newspaper published in said District, previous to the time appointed. THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to appear before said Court, at the time and place aforesaid, and contest the allowance of the said instrument and the filing and recording of the copy of said Will and the probate thereof, as aforesaid, if you have cause. Given Under My Hand at City of Newnort. in said District, this 20th day of July, 1959. MARJORIE WILLIAMSON, J25-A1-8 Judge Estate of ALICE GAUSS STATE OF VERMONT District of Orleana, SS.

The Honorable Probate Court for the District Aforesaid: all persons interested in the estate of Alice Gauss a late of Princeton, N. to wit, Greensboro in said District, deceased, GREETING: WHEREAS, said Court has assigned the 11th day of August, next for examining for a decree of the residue of said estate and allowing, the account of the Admr. c.t.a. of the estate of said deceased and a to the lawful claimants of the same and ordered that public notice thereof be given to all persons interested in said estate by publishing this order three weeks successively previous to the day assigned, in the Newport Daily Express, a newspaper nublished at City of Newport, in said District. THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to appear at the Probate Office in City of Newport, in said District, on the day assigned, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to contest the allowance of said account if you see cause, and to establish our right as heirs, legatees and lawful claimants to said residue.

Given Under My Hand, this 21st day of July, 1959. MARJORIE WILLIAMSON, J25-A1-8 Judge READ THE CLASSIFIEDS Estate of WILLIAM R. DAILEY STATE OF VERMONT District of Orleans, ss. The Honorable Probate Court for the District Aforesaid: To all persons interested in the estate of William R. Dailey late of Derby in said District, deceased, GREETING: At a Probate Court, held at City of Newport, within and for said District, on the 27th day one July, 1959, an instrument purporting to the last Will and Testament of William R.

Dailey late of Derby in said District, deceased. was presented to the Court aforesaid, for Probate. And it is ordered by said Court that the 18th day of August, 1959, at the Probate Office in said City of Newport, at 10 o'- clock in the forenoon, be assigned for proving said instrument: and that notice thereof be given to all persons concerned, by publishing this order three weeks suecessively in the Newport Daily Express, a newspaper circulating in that vicinity, in said District, previous to the time appointed. THEREFORE. you are hereby notified to appear before said Court, at the time and place aforesaid, and contest the probate of said Will, if you have cause.

Given Under My Hand at City of Newport, in said District, this 27th day of July, 1959. MARJORIE WILLIAMSON. A1-8-15 Judge Guardianship Estate of WALTER H. TARBOX, JR. STATE OF VERMONT District of Orleans, ss.

The Honorable Probate Court for the District Aforesaid: To all persons interested in the estate of W. lter H. Tarbox, minor of Barton, ins. id District, GREETING: WHEREAS, amplication in writing has been made to this Court by the guardian of Walter H. Tarbox, Jr.

for license to sell the real estate of sain ward, viz: Ward's interest Tarbox farm, so-called, situated in the towns 02 Barton and Brownington. Representing tr. 't the sale thereof for the purpose of puttito: the proceeds of such sale at interest, or lovesting the same in stocks or other real estate, or using the avails thereof for the benefit of said ward as the law directs would be beneficial for said ward. WHEREUPON, the said Court appointed and assigned the 12th day of August, 1959, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the Probate Office, in City of Newport, in said District, to hear and decide upon said application, and ordered that public notice thereof to be given to all persons interested therein. by publishing this order three weeks successively in the Newport Daily Express, a newspaper published at City of Newport, in said District, which circulates in the neighborhood of those persons interested therein: all which pubheations shall be previous to the time appointed for the hearing.

THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to appear before said Court, at the time and place aforesaid. then and there in said Court, to object to the granting of such license, if you see cause. Given Under My Hand at City of Newport, in said District, this 22nd day of July, 1959. MARJORIE WILLIAMSON. J25-A1-8 Judge Estate of MABEL H.

BIGELOW The Undersigned, having been appointed by the Honorable Probate Court for the District of Orleans, COMMISSIONERS, to receive, examine, and adjust the claims and demands of all persons against the estate of Mabel H. Bigelow late of City 01 Newport, in said Distr.ct, deceased, and all claims exhibited in offset thereof hereby give notice that we will meet for the purpose aforesaid, at the office of R. C. Drown in the Court House in the City of Newport in said District, on the 4th day of August and 29th day of December next, from 1:00 o'clock p. until 3:00 o'clock p.

on each of said days and six months from the 6th day of July, 1959, is the time limited by said Court for said creditors to present their claims to us for examination and allowance. Dated at Newport this 10th day of July, 1959. RICHARD C. DROWN, PAUL R. REXFORD.

J18-25-A1 Commissioners burg. Troopers said Chaplin was ollowing another car operated by his mother. They said the dust blinded the operators. The colliion occurred on West Hill road. total damage was estimated at 1.300.

Council Hears Complaints On Fairview Plan About 18 residents of Fairview turned out Tuesday evening at the public hearing at Barre held hear pros and cons in regard to the proposed Barre City Council recommendation to use the old Central Vermont Railroad bed as an entrance to Fairview st. with al one-way traffic and to establish 3 one-way traffic on the present street as an exit. Boy Pours Gas On Fire, Hurt Ten-year-old Dennis Mathews of RFD 3, Milton, escaped serious injury Wednesday when gasoline he was pouring on a fire exploded. Dennis was taken to Kerbs Memorial Hospital, St. Albans, where he was treated for second-degree burns to his right leg, and released.

Dennis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Blease Mathews. richon in West Charleston, where the 44th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.

Judd was observed. The annual bazaar sponsored by Estate of MARY ELIOT OF VERMONT District of Orleans, The Honorable Probate Court for the District Aforesaid. To all persons interested in the trust estate of Mary Eliot, late of Craftsbury, in said District, deceased, GREETING: WHEREAS. a petition has been filed in said Court by John D. Eliot, Trustee, representing that he is currently paying premium on a trustee's bond in the sum of $80,000: that the beneficiaries under said trust are said John D.

Eliot, John B. Eliot and Anne W. Klein, children of said John D. Cliot; that the beneficiaries feel that the bond should be reduced to $10.000 and said John B. Eliot and Anne W.

Klein join in said petition for the reduction of said bond: and praying that said $80.000 bond be reduced to $10,000 with the same surety, the American Fidelity Company. WHEREUPON, said Court appointed and assigned the 3d day of August, P. D. 1959, at the Probate Office in City of Newport in said District at 10 a. m.

to hear and decide upon said petition and ordered that public notice be given to all persons interested therein by publishing said order and the time and place of hearing thereon three weeks successively in the Newport Daily Express, a newspaper which circulates in the neighborhood of those persons interested, all which publications shall be previous to the day assigned for hearing. THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to appear before said Court at the time and place assigned, then and there in said Court, to make objection to the granting of the prayer of said petition, if you see cause. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND at Newport, in said District, this 8th day of July, A. 1959. MARJORIE WILLIAMSON, J18-25-A1 Judge RUSHFORD FUNERAL HOME PHONE NEWPORT 339.

E. MAIN ST. MAIN ST. NEWPORT NORTH CONVERSE Funeral and Ambulance SERVICE Orleans Newport 80 470-W are being held. Despite the regional sound of their name, the Southern Baptists are a potent religious force nationally.

Their 9,200,000 members rank them second in size only to the Methodists among American Protestant churches. This represents an increase of million members in 10 years, a far exceeding the United States' population increase in that time. MORGAN Union Church Rev. Benjamin Thurber, Pastor Worship service 9:30 a. m.

Sunday school 10 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Alansford Judd and Mr.

and Mrs. Francis Mullens were recent visitors of Mr. Mrs. A. J.

Judd included, her sisily at St. Johnsbury Center. On Tuesday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.

J. Judd included, her sis ter, Miss Irene Brothers, and Mrs. Carey of Windsor; also Mrs. Alansford Judd Jr. and two daughters of St.

Johnsbury Center. Mr. and Mrs. A. J.

Judd and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mullens were recent supper guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.

J. Hen- RACINE CASS FUNERAL HOME, INC. OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Derby Line Rock Island TR-3-3132 TR-6-4213 HARTWELL Funeral Service MYRON G. EASTMAN, Prop. Serving Barton and surrounding area Barton, Tel.

109 CURTIS FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE Serving Orleans County 65 Years 5 Bay Street, Newport 272.

The Newport Daily Express from Newport, Vermont (2024)


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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.