Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunts Guide - Video Games, Wikis, Cheats, Walkthroughs, Reviews, News & Videos (2024)

The Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunts become available after you assassinate Julien du Casse, and after you gain control over his mansion in Great Inagua.

When you conquer the island following the main missions, Great Inagua will become your outpost, and Julien’s house, Edwards’ mansion.

During the cutscene that follows Julien’s demise, you will find a unique piece of armor locked inside his house. Soon you will find out that the Templar Armor can be unlocked only by finding 5 secret keys.

You will pick the first one automatically from Julien, since he is the one carrying it, but for the remaining keys you will need to complete a series of side-missions, named Templar Hunts.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag features 16 Templar Hunts missions, even if you will only see 4 locations marked on your main map.

Those locations show the assassins you need to visit in order to trigger a series of 4 missions. Additionally, the Templar Hunts take place in specific locations on your map, locations that must be visited if you wish to get the Templar Armor.

Aside from the key you collect once you finish all 4 missions in a series, you will also earn a large amount of money. The following walkthroughs explain how to complete all AC4 Templar Hunt missions.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt – Opia Apito

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 01 – Mission 1: The Taino Assassin

The Taino Assassin is the first mission you have to complete for Opia Apito, if you wish to get one of the Templar Keys.

The Taino Assassin is triggered on the island known as Cayman Sound, where Opia will challenge you to a hunting contest.

During the contest you will have to hunt and skin more Hutia and beat Opia; therefore, your primary weapons will be the pistols. When the mission starts, you will notice that several icons appear on your map, which point to the locations where you will find the animals.

Once you reach a location switch to eagle vision to identify the target, and then shoot it and skin it. If Opia reaches the same location before you, she will kill the animal, so try to be fast.

Your goal is to have one skin more than Opia, in order to trigger the second part of the mission, when you will be attacked by a white jaguar. Make sure your pistols are reloaded and take out the feline, to complete the mission.

After the cutscene don’t forget to skin the white jaguar to complete several additional Abstergo challenges.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 01 – Mission 2: Templar Ships

Once you complete the previous mission in the series, you can start the second one named Templar Ships, by visiting Opia on Grand Cayman Island.

The AC4 Templar Ships mission is very short and can be completed faster if you have a sleep dart. For the first part of the mission you will have to find Alvin located in the north-western area of the island.

Identify him using the eagle vision, and then you will have to eavesdrop on Alvin. Move from one group of civilians to another and stay close to Alvin, until your objective changes and you will be asked to steal the ledger.

To complete the mission, use a sleep dart on Alvin, and then loot him to retrieve the letter.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 01 – Mission 3: Right-Hand Man

The third mission you receive from Opia, named Right-Hand Man is also triggered in Grand Cayman.

After you talk to Opia, follow her and she will take you to Vargas’ house. Hide in the haystack nearby but stay alert because you will have to chase your target, as soon as the cutscene ends. Jump out of the haystack and stay close to Vargas following him to the docks, where he will board a ship and flee.

Get back on your ship and incapacitate Vargas’ ship by shooting it, but don’t sink it. Instead, board the ship and sprint towards your target. When close, drop a smoke bomb and kill him.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 01 – Mission 4: The Trail Of Lucia Marquez

The Trail Of Lucia Marquez is the final mission you will receive from Opia, but to trigger it, you have to meet the assassin on Pinos Isle.

After you talk to her, begin you mission and tail the soldier on the beach. Move from one bush to another to remain hidden, and eventually the soldier will take you to a Mayan Temple where you will be asked to protect Opia.

Stay close to her and drop smoke bombs when the enemies try to reach you, and then kill them one by one. Alternatively you can shoot the powder kegs to deal increased damage. The enemies will attack in waves, and after you defeat the last one, Lucia Marquez will appear.

The final objective is to kill Lucia Marquez, who will try to run away. The moment she spawns start chasing her and if you have a clear shot, use a sleep dart to prevent her from shooting you. Y

ou can also catch her near the bush she uses for cover and kill her with the hidden blades or the swords.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt – Rhona Dinsmore Missions

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 02 – Mission 1: Bureau Under Attack

The Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag Templar Hunt 02 series of missions starts with Bureau Under Attack.

To trigger the second AC4 Templar Hunt sequence you have to travel to Havana and meet Rhona Dinsmore.

The Templar Hunt icon appears in the southern area of the city. After you talk to Rhona, you will begin the first mission in the series. Bureau Under Attack is a mission in which you will have to defend the Templar’s Bureau as well as Rhona Dinsmore.

During the mission you will be attacked by waves of Spanish soldiers coming from different directions.

To complete the mission without failing you can opt to help Rhona and place the powder kegs nearby on the marked locations, and then shoot them when the enemies are nearby. Alternatively, you can allow the soldiers to surround you, and then use smoke bombs to stun all of them for a limited time.

After you stun your enemies, assassinate them moving from one target to another. The mission ends after you defeat all waves. Using the powder kegs is not a requirement to complete Bureau Under Attack.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 02 – Mission 2: A Thief In The Market

The second mission in the Templar Hunt 02 series is A Thief In The Market. The mission is easier and shorter than all assignments you receive from Rhona.

Your objective is to go to the marketplace and identify a thief carrying a map. The market is marked on your map by a green circle. When you get to the location, turn on Edward’s eagle vision and locate the thief.

Stay alert because after you tag it, the thief runs away. Pursue him and try to stay as close as possible. When you are near your target, tackle him and take the map he carries You can also opt to kill him using one of your weapons, or simply shoot a dart.

The outcome of the mission and the reward you will receive won’t change if you assassinate the thief.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 02 – Mission 3: Arms Race

For the third mission you must complete for Rhona, you will have to visit three different locations in Havana.

The Arms Race Templar Hunt mission has a single objective you must complete. Rhona will ask you to destroy three powder reserves by igniting the powder barrels.

All powder barrels are in restricted areas and all of them are protected, meaning that you will have to infiltrate those zones. How you approach the mission’s objective depends on how you wish to play the video game; however, all areas can be accessed faster if you remain on the roofs and if you take out the gunners around you.

After you ignite one of the powder reserves you will several seconds to exit the restricted area. Your best choice is to drop a smoke bomb near the guards protecting one of the entrances, and keep running until you reach a hiding spot.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 02 – Mission 4: Flint’s End

Flint’s End is the final mission in the Templar Hunt series you will receive from Rhona Dinsmore, and it is a short mission, as well as a dangerous one.

Before starting Flint’s End make sure you have as many smoke bombs as you can carry, then head to Rhona Dinsmore and talk to her.

To get the Templar Key in Havana, you need to kill Hillary Flint. For the first part of the mission, you have to follow Rhona, who will take you to your target; however, when you get close to the restricted area, make sure you equip the smoke bombs, because Rhona will rush towards Flint, ignoring the guards.

Your second objective is to kill Flint, and also keep Rhona alive. If she dies, you will fail the mission. In order to complete Flint’s End, you have to reach Flint as fast as possible; therefore, ignore the guards and drop as many bombs as you can, because they will distract the guards, and Rhona will survive, while you have the chance to reach Flint.

Drop another smoke bomb when you get close to him, then assassinate your target, to retrieve the second Templar Key. After the cutscene, drop another bomb and stealth-swim outside the restricted area.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt – Anto Missions

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 03 – Mission 1: The Maroon Assassin

The third set of Templar Hunt missions takes place in Kingston, and the first mission in the series is called The Maroon Assassin.

The Maroon Assassin Templar Hunt mission begins after you talk to Anto, and it doesn’t involve combat. Anto will ask you to eavesdrop on two groups of guards in Kingston.

Their locations are marked on your map by yellow dots. The objective of the mission is fairly easy to complete, because your targets will move around Kingston following the main streets which are filled with civilians, thus allowing you to blend.

If you can’t find such groups, you can use the buildings and eavesdrop while staying behind corners. After you eavesdrop on the second group, you will be asked to catch a guard. Choose the one on the left side, and stay close to it.

When near your target, press the corresponding button to tackle, and complete the mission.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 03 – Mission 2: Recruiting Maroons

After you finish the previous mission you will be able to access the second one in Kingston, named Recruiting Maroons. In Recruiting Maroons you are asked to help Anto free three slaves.

Their locations are marked on your map by blue dots. Anto will show you the way towards the first slave, but you have to be aware that all of them are protected by British soldiers. When you reach the first slave, Anto will hide behind a tree.

Use two berserk darts on the guards standing at the entrance, and they will kill each other and also distract the guards near the slave. For their commander use a sleep dart, and then assassinate him.

Free the first slave and sprint towards the second location, followed by Anto. The second slave is also protected by a large group of soldiers. Furthermore, the slave’s guards move around on the streets. Two berserk darts will distract them and the slave will run away. Go around the buildings and the guards to find the slave, and free him.

The third slave in Kingston is located east from the previous one. When you approach the location, Anto might rush towards the slave, ignoring the guards. If he does, stay close to Anto and drop several smoke bombs to stun all enemies. Kill as many as you can, then free the salve to complete the mission.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 03 – Mission 3: Under Attack

Assassin’s Creed 4 Under Attack Templar Hunt mission involves multiple fighting sequences; therefore, before attempting it, you should consider buying as many smoke bombs as you can.

The mission starts after you talk to Anto, who has another request. The bureau is under attack and you will have to protect it. The moment you start the mission, a group of soldiers spawns nearby.

Using the smoke bombs, stun them and kill all of them as soon as possible. Next, you will be asked to take out another group of attackers located several streets away from the bureau.

If you decide to go to them, a timer starts, which means that you will have to kill them as fast as you can, then return to the bureau because the next wave arrived.

The second phase repeats until all groups have been eliminated. If the bureau is destroyed, you will fail the mission, but if you complete it you will earn 700 Reales.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 03 – Mission 4: The Commander’s Ruse

The final mission you have to complete for Anto, in order to get the third Templar Key, is named The Commander’s Ruse. The mission features two parts.

During the first part you will have to tail several British soldiers, helped by Anto. To complete it, you must stay close to Anto and follow his moves. Climb the same buildings, and hide in the same spots as he does.

For the second part; however, you must find and assassinate Kenneth Abraham, by infiltrating a plantation. Anto will show you the infiltration point, but will soon leave. At this point, three marked areas appear on your map, and you will be asked to reach all of them and turn on the eagle vision to identify the correct target.

Kenneth Abraham is located in the northern part of the plantation, which means that the moment you enter the restricted area, you will have to proceed north. Try to remain close to the wall on the right side, moving from one cornfield to another.

When you get close to the green zone, turn on the eagle vision to identify the target. The final objective of the mission is to kill Kenneth Abraham. While staying in the cornfield, use a berserk dart on your target and the soldiers will kill him. Next, jump over the small wall near you and leave the area.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt – Vance Trevor Missions

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 04 – Mission 1: Oh Brother…

The fourth Templar Hunt series of missions takes place in Nassau, where you will have to meet an assassin named Vance Travers.

The first objective of the mission requires you to find Upton’s men. Travel to the green area on your map and when you get close, climb one of the buildings for a better view. Activate Edwards’s eagle eye and focus on the group of men in the central area of the city.

Two of them are your targets and they will be marked. Next, you will be asked to eavesdrop on their conversation. Immediately hire the group of dancers nearby and use them as cover.

Follow Upton’s men all the time and remain inside the green area, without getting too close. Continue to follow them down the streets and stop when they do. After the two targets reach their master, you will be asked to assassinate Upton.

The alley used by your targets to meet Upton, is between two houses. Climb the one on the right side and while on the roof, identify Upton. Wait for him to get close to you and execute an air assassination to complete the mission.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 04 – Mission 2: The Other Brother

After you attempt to take Upton’s life you will be asked to meet him in order to start the second AC 4 Templar Hunt in Nassau.

Make sure that for this mission you have at least five sleep darts in your pouch. When the mission starts, follow Upton and hear his story, then hide inside the bush on the right side of the road. Wait for Upton’s brother to appear. Follow your targets but stay at a safe distance and take cover as much as you can. Eventually you will be asked to kill a thief, and you should use the sleeping darts to complete the objective.

As you continue to follow the brothers, two additional thieves will spawn. Take them out as well, using the darts. When the two brothers separate, continue to follow Vance who will meet Jing Lang.

Again you will be asked to eavesdrop on the conversation. Use the group of citizens nearby to enter the green circle marked on the ground, and then maintain your position until your targets reach the area behind the fountain. Sprint to the bush on the right side of the fountain and stay hidden until the objective changes. Next, you will be asked to locate Upton’s assailant, before the time runs out. Sprint to the green area on your map, and look for him standing on a porch.

Make sure you are on the roof for a better view, and when you see him move, attempt an air-assassination on him.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 04 – Mission 3: Upton’s Sorrow

For the third Templar Hunt mission in Nassau, you have to meet Upton at the local tavern. When the mission starts you will find out that he is drunk, and you need to take him home; however, his attitude draws the attention of the nearby thugs. T

he mission begins with a fight, in which you will not be able to use your weapons. Stay close to Upton and attack the thugs that focus on him. Block all incoming attacks, and then hit the thugs. Once you defeat all of them, follow Upton.

Down the road you will be asked to pay a group of dancers, then to protect Upton again. There are three thugs that will spawn down the road. Shoot them to end the mission faster, or fight them when they get closer. Once you deal with them, the mission ends.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunt 04 – Mission 4: Queen of Pirates, King of Fools

For the final AC4 Templar Hunt in Nassau you will have to find and kill Vance. How you approach this objective depends on how you wish to play the game, because there are no secondary objectives to complete in order to get 100% synchronization.

Vance is located in the swampy area near Nassau, inside a small camp. To reach it you have to cross the swamp which is lurking with crocodiles. A good strategy is to use the trees above the swamp to reach the other side undetected.

Once inside the camp, deal with the guards (preferably using darts), then kill Vance. After the cutscene; however, you will have to chase down Jing Lang and kill her.

Start sprinting the moment you see her, then tackle your target and kill her.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunts Guide - Video Games, Wikis, Cheats, Walkthroughs, Reviews, News & Videos (1)

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Templar Hunts Guide - Video Games, Wikis, Cheats, Walkthroughs, Reviews, News & Videos (2024)


How many missions does Assassin's Creed Black Flag have? ›

In Black Flag, there are 45 main story missions. I looked through each mission and found that there are 11 missions with a tailing section. They are: ...

How to get templar armor ac 4? ›

After finishing This Old Cove and learning the purpose of the Templar Keys, you can now complete four tasks set by various Assassin Bureau leaders. Each task will lead you to one of the keys. Once you collect all five, you'll unlock the Templar Armor, which grants you an increased resistance to enemy attacks.

How do you locate the real target in Black Flag? ›

Once they get to the restricted area, you need to go find the real target. Sneak your way through the sugar cane fields, making your way back to the plantation house. Use Eagle Vision to locate the real target. Once you spot him, find a way to kill him.

What is the main story of Assassin's Creed Black Flag? ›

The main story is set in the West Indies during the Golden Age of Piracy from 1715 to 1722, and follows notorious Welsh pirate Edward Kenway, grandfather of Assassin's Creed III protagonist Ratonhnhaké:ton / Connor and father of antagonist Haytham Kenway, as he searches for fortune and a mythical location called the ...

How many people still play Assassins Creed Black Flag? ›

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
MonthAvg. PlayersPeak Players
Last 30 Days1,076.22,134
June 2024772.71,537
May 2024956.42,368
April 2024934.12,358
94 more rows

How long does it take to beat 100% in Assassin's Creed Black Flag? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is about 23½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 61 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How do you unlock Altair armor? ›

At the end of each tomb, you'll find a special seal which you can use to unlock the gate behind Mario's den in the Villa. When all six seals are placed, the gate reveals the Armor of Altair, which you can collect and wear.

How do you get the Ezio outfit in Assassin's Creed 4? ›

Altair's, Connor's and Ezio's outfits can be unlocked by playing previous Assassin's Creed titles on the same Ubisoft account: Play one previous title to unlock Altair's outfit. Play two previous titles to unlock Ezio's outfit. Play three previous titles to unlock Connor's outfit.

What are secrets in black flag? ›

Secrets are one of the Collectibles in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. The secrets are usually notes, but are also maps that lead to Buried Chests. These Chests contain Blueprints of the upgrades for the Jackdaw.

Can you capture a legendary ship black flag? ›

One thing to remember is that these Legendaries cannot be boarded, which means they cannot be added to your fleet. Touching the hull of an elite ship with Edward results in a one-touch death. If you are having trouble taking on Legendaries, you will have an easier time once you have the Elite Ship Upgrades.

Can you still find social treasures in black flag? ›

how to find social treasure ? add 3 or 4 friends and it will randomly pop up online at times. shows as a blue chest on maps.

Who murdered Edward Kenway? ›

In 1735, Edward was killed by mercenaries sent by Birch to break into his mansion in Queen Anne's Square and steal his journal. This also allowed Birch to take Haytham under his wing and indoctrinate him into the Templar Order.

What happens to Kenway after Black Flag? ›

Following his return to London, Edward retired from active Assassin duty to focus on raising and training his son in the Assassin ways. However, in 1735, he was killed in his family estate by mercenaries in the employ of the Templar Grand Master Reginald Birch, who sought to acquire Edward's journal.

How many chapters are there in Assassin's Creed Black Flag? ›

I believe there are 13, with 4 smaller modern day ones. An extra side chapter exclusive to PS3 as well.

How many sequences are there in AC Black Flag? ›

There are 13 total sequences in Black Flag, and we're on the 6th, so there are 7 left, and thus, 7 days left in the marathon.

What is the longest Assassin's Creed game? ›

Valhalla has the longest story in the entire Assassin's Creed series, clocking in at around 61 hours for most players. On top of that, Valhalla has more collectibles than any other game in the series, resulting in a full completion time of about 148 hours, just under that of Odyssey.

How many fleet missions are in AC Black Flag? ›

When you unlock all 25 fleet locations, you'll have access to nearly 90 fleet missions.


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